Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists
I Ching: Paintings & Serigraphs
Hexagram 7: The Army: Good Fortune

Soldiers march in order and harmony through a gentle snow of cherry blossom petals, a symbol of good fortune. Stevenson says good fortune depends on self-discipline to bring order out of chaos.
With dauntless courage, one masters the self as a general masters his troops, by constancy, dedication and focus. The army needs perseverance and a strong man. Good fortune without blame. From Hexagram 7, Shi, The Army. I Ching: Or, Book of Changes, Wilhelm-Baynes translation, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press.
The Chinese character (red box, lower right) is Shi, the courageous and constant military leader.
Hexagram 34: Ta Chuang: The Power of the Great

Inscription: Ta Chuang/The Power of the Great – Inner worth mounts upward with great force and comes to power. Thunder – electrical energy – mounts upward in the spring – From Hexagram 34, I Ching: Or, Book of Changes, Wilhelm-Baynes translation, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press. Serigraph (20” x 26”), edition of 48. SKU: CS197103
Hexagram 35: The Image of Progress

Inscription: The Sun Rises over the Earth – the Image of Progress. The light of the sun as it rises over the earth is by nature clear. The higher it rises, the more it emerges from the dark mists, spreading the pristine purity of its rays over an ever widening area. The real nature of man is likewise originally good but it becomes clouded by contact with earthly things and therefore needs purification before it can shine forth in its native clarity. – From Hexagram 35, I Ching: Or, Book of Changes, Wilhelm-Baynes translation, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press.
Hexagram 42: Increase

Chatter is Chatter Burnham Bischoff, Tom Burnham’s mother.
Hexagram 57: Winds Following

Inscription: winds following one upon the other – From Hexagram 57, I Ching: Or, Book of Changes, Wilhelm-Baynes translation, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press.
Hexagram 58: The Joyous

Hexagram 58 is an image of lakes resting one upon the other and the symbolism points to joyful success through cooperation and perseverance…True joy, therefore, rests on firmness and strength within, manifesting itself outwardly as yielding and gentle. – From Hexagram 58, I Ching: Or, Book of Changes, Wilhelm-Baynes translation, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press.
Charles Marchat Stevenson’s daily study of the I Ching is reflected in the highly personal interpretations in his work. For example, in Hexagram 58: The Joyous, in addition to the lake, Stevenson adds the summer sun, hollyhocks symbolic of first fruits, fertility, and wealth, and the Bluebird of Happiness.
Stevenson’s Hexagram 58: The Joyous is one of a series of I Ching illustrations, with commentaries by Hale Thatcher, exhibited at the Ford House in Mendocino circa 1971, and the painting was reproduced on the exhibition posters.
Please contact us with information about the exhibit, and photos of other images in the series. We would be grateful to add them to the Stevenson digital archive.
Hexagram 62: Hsaio Kuo: Preponderance of the Small

Inscription: Hsaio Kuo – preponderance of the small – the flying bird brings the message – it is not well to strive upward, it is well to remain below – From Hexagram 62, I Ching: Or, Book of Changes, Wilhelm-Baynes translation, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press.
Hexagram 64: Wei Chi: Feline Deliberation

Hexagram 64: Wei Chi relates to that short period of time preceding success.
The three panel screen, Feline Deliberation, is a monumental double-sided portrait of Matt Leach’s cat, the mild-tempered orange tabby Killer. The reverse offers two smaller images of Killer on a wall shaded by summer foliage.
Feline Deliberation (reverse)

Feline Deliberation, one of a small number of double-sided folding screens created by Leach and Stevenson, is designed for easy disassembly, for transport, or for display of individual panels.
Hexagram 64: Wei Chi: Feline Deliberation (detail)

The Archive
There are more I Ching-inspired paintings and serigraphs by Charles Marchant Stevenson. If you have photos to share, we would be grateful to add them to the Stevenson digital archive. Please contact us. Thank you.
Charles Marchant Stevenson: Artwork
Matt Leach by Charles Marchant Stevenson
Stevenson and Leach in Paris
Stevenson in His Own Words
About Charles Marchant Stevenson
Mendocino Heritage Artists