Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists
Charles Marchant Stevenson in His Own Words

Dorr Bothwell once described the subconscious as being that place from whence all true art comes. She said that the artist – the true artist – is someone who can so blank out his/her ego as to reach into the universal mind and bring back something of what is going on there.

I did a bunch of portraits about 15 years ago with multiple images and transparencies overlaid. I came upon this by myself, and seven years later found that there was a man in Provincetown who had been doing pretty much the same thing at just about the same time. We were simultaneously hooked into the same wave length. We were both responding to the same complex of ideas…
The practice of art is the cultivation of the self; there’s this place where ideas are, and it can be reached only by going inside oneself, past oneself, into just mind – and what is happening now is really happening there…
It was my longtime dream to be part of a golden age of art. What happened in Mendocino gave us the feeling that we could influence the course of events by our dreams and our visions. The people who came helped complete our connection with the arts and I think we did have a golden age.
– Charles Marchant Stevenson, excerpts from conversations with Antonia Lamb and Matt Leach. A & E Magazine (March 1981 and others)
About Charles Marchant Stevenson
Charles Marchant Stevenson: Artwork
Stevenson-Leach Studios
Mendocino Heritage Artists