Archive of the Mendocino Heritage Artists
Fran Moyer: Curriculum Vitae
Gaudium vitae dare (to give joy to life)

1968 Junior College Lifetime Credential, State of California (#9843)
1957 Credential in Art, California State Department of Education
1957 General Secondary Credential, California State Department of Education
1953 Psychology of Education, Audio Visual Instruction,
San Diego State College
1952 Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture with an emphasis on Liturgical Sculpture, California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland
1950 Bachelor of Fine Arts, California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland
1940-1942 Journalism and Creative Writing, Los Angeles City College
1940s Spanish Language Studies, University of Mexico
1940 Graduate, Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles
1942-1946 Corporal, United States Women’s Army Corps (WAC), Airfield Mechanic
1960 Humbolt College, Award
1959 Richmond Artists and Craftsmen Annual, Honorable Mention
1957 City of San Francisco Open Air Art Festival, Purchase Prize for sculpture
1956 San Diego Art Guild Annual, $40.00 prize,
1955 California National Orange Show, 1st Honorable Mention, The Cock (steel and brass)
1955 San Francisco Annual, Wells Fargo Bank Prize
1954 California State Fair, Honorable mention for sculpture, The Cock (steel and brass)
1954 13th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco, Honorable mention for sculpture
1954 Richmond Oil and Sculpture Annual, 1st prize for sculpture
1954 First Annual Dwg and Sculpture Show, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie Indiana, Honorable Mention
1954 Oakland Gallery, 1st Prize and Gold Medal and solo exhibit
1954 Western Sculpture and Print Annual, Oakland Museum of Art, 1st Morrison Award of $100.00, Gold Medal and Guest of Honor One-Man Show, Figures From the Crucifixion, No. 13, Stabat Mater (steel)
1953 City of San Francisco Open Air Art Festival, Purchase Prize for sculpture, Victoria (terracotta
1953 12th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco, Honorable Mention for sculpture, Victoria (terracotta)
1953 Richmond Art Center Annual, 1st Prize for Sculpture, $50.00 award, The Cock (steel and brass)
1953 San Francisco Museum, 3rd Prize, Starlet (steel), San Francisco Annual
1953 Walnut Creek Art Festival, 1st Honorable Mention
1952 Western Sculpture and Print Annual, Oakland Museum of Art, 1st Morrison Award of $100.00, Gold Medal and “Guest of Honor” One-Man Show, Bull (steel)
1952 Pacific Arts Festival, 2nd prize for sculpture
1952 Richmond Art Center Annual, 1st prize for sculpture, Starlet (steel)
1952 11th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco, 1st prize for sculpture,
1952 Walnut Creek Art Festival, 3rd prize for sculpture, Starlet (steel)
1951 Walnut Creek Art Festival, 1st prize for sculpture, Bullfighter (steel)
1950 3rd prize for sculpture, Oakland Gallery Annual
1950c Art Association Annual Exhibit, the San Francisco Museum, 1st Prize, Bareback Rider (steel)
1950c California Artists Annual Exhibit
1950c San Diego Museum
1950c San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Annual
2007 The Mendocino Bakery and Café, Posthumous exhibit to benefit The Eileen Hawthorne Fund for Animals, May
2006 The Mendocino Bakery and Café (July, The Whimsical Paintings of Fran Moyer
2006 The Mendocino Bakery and Café (February-March), The Whimsical Paintings of Fran Moyer
2002 Mendocino Art Center Showcase Gallery, Fran Moyer Retrospective
1991 Mendocino Art Center Showcase Gallery, New Paintings: Chairs, Puddles Paths
1990 Cielo Gallery, Benicia
1989 Bay Gallery, Mendocino
1988 Bay Gallery, Mendocino
1987 Bay Gallery, Mendocino
1971 Zacha’s Bay Window Gallery, Mendocino
1964 Zacha’s Bay Window Gallery, Mendocino
1960 Walnut Creek Gallery
1958 Gump’s Gallery, San Francisco
1954 College of Saint Albert the Great, Oakland
1954 Oakland Museum of Art, One-Man Show, Guest of Honor, Stations of the Cross (steel)
1954 Oakland Gallery
1953 Gump’s Gallery, San Francisco, Acrobats (terracotta)
1952 Oakland Museum of Art, Guest of Honor, One-Man Show,
1953 Richmond Art Center, Alameda State College Gallery, August 22-September 12
1980 Cielo Gallery, Benicia, Cat Paintings
1980s Diablo Pageant of the Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek
Hollis Gallery, San Francisco
Humboldt State College Gallery
Mills College Gallery
2000-2002 Gallery Glendeven, Little River, continuous exhibition
1999 The Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, Mendocino Art Center Teachers Show
1988-1990 Bay Gallery, Mendocino, continuous exhibition
1973 Grace Cathedral Show of Art for the Sanctuary and Art for the Home By a Group of Mendocino Artists, San Francisco
1964 Amusements, The Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York City
1965 Amusements, traveling exhibit, The Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York City
1960s Instituto Guatemalteco Americano, Guatemala, Exhibit of Mendocino Coast artists, curated by William Zacha, Director, The Mendocino Art Center
1962-1987 Zacha’s Bay Window Gallery, Mendocino, continuous exhibition
1960 Humboldt College
1959 Richmond Artists and Craftsmen Annual
1957 City of San Francisco Open Air Art Festival
1956 San Diego Art Guild Annual
1955 California National Orange Show, The Cock (steel and brass)
1955 San Francisco Annual, San Francisco Museum
1954 First Annual Sculpture Show, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana
1954 California State Fair, The Cock (steel and brass)
1954 Richmond Art Center Annual
1954 Richmond Oil and Sculpture Annual
1954 13th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco
1954 Western Sculpture and Print Annual, Oakland Museum of Art, Figures From the Crucifixion, No. 13, Stabat Mater (steel)
1953 City of San Francisco Open Air Art Festival, Victoria (terracotta)
1953 12th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco, Victoria (terracotta)
1953 Richmond Art Center Annual, The Cock (steel and brass)
1953 San Francisco Annual, San Francisco Museum, Starlet (steel)
1953 12th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco
1953 Walnut Creek Art Festival
1953 Western Sculpture and Print Annual, Oakland Museum of Art
1952 11th West Coast Ceramics Show, City of Paris, San Francisco
1952 Oakland Flower Show, Saint Joseph (polychrome wood)
1952 Pacific Arts Festival
1952 Starlet (steel), Richmond Art Center Annual
1952 Starlet (steel), Walnut Creek Art Festival
1952 Western Sculpture and Print Annual, Oakland Museum of Art
1951 Ascetic (marble), de Young Museum
1951 The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, American Sculpture 1951, Torero (steel), Mystic (marble)
1951 Walnut Creek Art Festival, Torero (steel),
1950 De Young Museum, San Francisco, Head of Christ (grey sandstone)
1950c Art Association Annual Exhibit, the San Francisco Museum
1950c California Artists Annual Exhibit
1950c San Diego Museum
1950c San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Collection of the City of San Francisco: Victoria (terracotta head)
1990 Illustrations, including cover art, The Enneagram Cats of Muir Beach, by Margaret Frings Keyes, Molysdatur Publications, Muir Beach
1990 Elinor Hayes’s kitchen cabinets
1970s Durant Park Apartments, Berkeley, 2 large reliefs
1951-1954 St. Anselm’s Church, Lafayette, CA, installed 1985, welded sculpture series, The 14 Stations of the Cross,
“Fran Moyer: Strength and Color” by Maureen Eppstein, Arts & Entertainment (Summer 2002), The Mendocino Art Center
Fran Moyer aka Honey Glumm, Honey Glumm’s Tales for Kiddies, limited edition (2002), Connie Korbel, publisher, Mendocino
Poetry, A&E Magazine (Fall/Winter 2002), The Mendocino Art Center
Poems in various other periodicals
Cover art, Bentwood Chair with Watermelon, A&E Magazine (1990), Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino
Illustrations including cover art, The Enneagram Cats of Muir Beach, by Margaret Frings Keyes, Molysdatur Publications (1990), Muir Beach
Cover art, Elephant & Mermaid Picking Apples, Eden Series, A&E Magazine, Friendship Issue (November 1982), Mendocino Art Center
Honey Glumm & the Bertram Papers, Big River News, Issue 121 (July 1978), Mendocino
Honey Glumm Goes to ‘Forty Carats, Mendocino Beacon (Thursday February 23, 1978)
Honey Glumm Tells All, Big River News, Issue 116 (February 1978), Mendocino,
Honey Glumm’s Tales for Kiddies, serialized in Big River News (1977-1979), Mendocino
“Polychrome Sculpture Says ‘Please Touch’” by Dean Wallace, San Francisco Chronicle (Monday, August 24, 1964)
Article, CCAC Library Notes (April 1953), California College of Arts & Crafts, now California College of the Arts (CalArts)
Article, “Arts & Crafts Review”, Alumni Magazine (December 1953), , California College of Arts & Crafts, now California College of the Arts (CalArts)
Photos of sculpture, Fortnight: California Newsmagazine (10 November 1952)
Reproductions of work in various art publications, including ARTFORUM
1978-1982 College of Redwoods, Fort Bragg, Instructor, Basic Design, Beginning Painting, Intermediate Drawing and Composition, Sculpture, Watercolor Painting
1972-1978 Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, Instructor, Sculpture, Watercolor Painting
1968-1972 College of Marin, San Rafael, Instructor, Design, Life Drawing
1964-1968 Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, Instructor, Sculpture
1960-1963 California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, Instructor, Design, Sculpture,
1958-1959 San Francisco Art Institute, Instructor, Metal Sculpture
1958-1959 Oakland Department of Recreation Adult Art program, Instructor, Jewelry, Mosaics
1952-1955 California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, Instructor, Design, Sculpture
1958-1959 Layout artist
1955-1958 Ryan Aeronautical, San Diego, Engineering illustrator,
1950-1951 Dominican Convent School for Girls, San Rafael, Instructor, Fine Arts,
Sculpture: carving, modeling, casting, hydrocal cements, magnesite, plastics, ceramics, wood, direct bronze, welded steel
Design: two-dimensional design and color theory
Drawing: pencil, pen, stick
Painting: oil, acrylic, watercolor
Printmaking: etching, silkscreen (serigraphy and textiles)
Ceramics: sculpture, pottery
Metalwork: gold, silver, copper, direct bronze, welded steel
American Cultural Council; Artists’ Equity, La Jolla; Delta Phi Delta honorary national arts fraternity; San Diego Art Guild, artist member; San Francisco Art Association, artist member.
California College of the Arts (formerly California College of Arts and Crafts)
Mendocino Art Center
Oakland Museum of California (before 1969, the Oakland Museum of Art)
Saint Anselm’s Episcopal Church
Fran Moyer: Artwork
Artist’s Statement
Fran Moyer
The Mendocino Heritage Artists